Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a conversation with US-based podcaster Lex Fridman, shared insights into his spiritual beliefs, early influences, and leadership philosophy. The podcast, aired on Sunday, featured Modi discussing the impact of Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi on his life, as well as his deep connection with spirituality.
‘Never alone, god is always with me’
When asked if he ever feels lonely, Modi responded, “I never feel alone. I believe in the one plus one theory – one is Modi and the other is the divine. I am never truly alone because God is always with me.” He added that for him, “Jan Seva hi Prabhu Seva hai” (service to mankind is service to God) and that he draws strength from both the divine and 140 crore Indians.
Lex Fridman recites Gayatri Mantra
During the podcast, Fridman recited the Gayatri Mantra, seeking Modi’s confirmation on pronunciation. In response, the prime minister recited the mantra himself and explained its deeper spiritual and scientific meaning. “Gayatri Mantra is deeply rooted in Surya Upasana and carries a profound spiritual essence. Every mantra is not just a set of words but has a scientific connection, reflecting different aspects of life and the universe,” Modi said.
Influence of Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi
Modi recalled how reading about Swami Vivekananda in his village library shaped his perspective on life. “From Vivekananda, I learned that true fulfillment comes not from personal achievements but from selfless service to others,” he said. He also shared an anecdote about Vivekananda seeking help for his ailing mother from Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and realizing that service to humanity is the highest form of devotion.
The prime minister also spoke about his time at the Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Ashram, where he formed a close bond with Swami Atmasthananda. “He guided me to dedicate my life to serving people and working for society’s welfare,” Modi recalled.
He highlighted Mahatma Gandhi’s leadership, emphasizing his ability to turn India’s freedom struggle into a ‘Jan Andolan’ (mass movement) by mobilizing ‘Jan Shakti’ (people’s power). “I always strive to involve as many people as possible in every initiative, turning it into a movement with ‘Jan Bhagidari’ (public participation),” Modi said.
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About The Author
I’m JP, a 26-year-old from Odisha, India 🇮🇳 and the founder of 📰. I write articles and news on a variety of topics, including business, finance 💼, and exam updates 📚. With a passion for journalism and digital content, I strive to keep my readers informed and engaged with the latest updates and insights.