Small plane crash in Swiss Alps kills three on Denmark-bound flight

Small plane crash in Swiss Alps kills three on Denmark-bound flight

A small plane en route to Denmark met with disaster in the Swiss Alps on Monday evening, resulting in the deaths of all three occupants, as verified by police officials on Tuesday.
The Extra EA-400 propeller aircraft departed from Samedan Airfield in the evening but tragically crashed just two minutes later near the village of La Punt Chamues-ch in southeastern Switzerland. Upon impact, the aircraft burst into flames and was completely destroyed by fire, according to a statement from the Graubünden canton police.
The aircraft had initially arrived from Denmark on March 13 and was making its return journey to Roskilde, in the vicinity of Copenhagen, when the incident occurred. Officials have yet to formally identify the victims of the crash.
The cause of the accident remains unknown. Investigation teams are currently conducting enquiries to establish the circumstances leading to this fatal incident.

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