One woman has died, and four others are injured after an overspeeding four-wheeler rammed into a two-wheeler on 14th March
Gujarat: Vikas Kewalani, Vadodara Car accident victim, says, “ Two people from my society and I had gone out for refreshment. One of them was Hemali Patel, her husband is in critical condition…we were on our two-wheeler and suddenly, an overspeeding car rammed into our vehicle…when I fell, I was awake, and I saw that the car had hit the other vehicle as well and it flew through the air, husband and wife had suffered serious injuries. Such things can’t be controlled through just fine…fine is not the solution, they will realise their mistakes only when strict punishment is taken against them…my brother and sister have sustained fractures. I fractured my right-hand elbow…the accused (Rakshit Ravish Chaurasia) looked intoxicated…he was doing it (over-speeding) for enjoyment purposes… ”
(This is a breaking news)