8 Shocking Facts About the Kolkata Rape-and-Murder Case That India Cannot Ignore

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This article provides a detailed account of the Kolkata rape-and-murder case involving a female doctor at RG Kar Medical College. After working for 36 hours, the doctor was brutally assaulted and murdered by Sanjoy Roy, a civic volunteer with a disturbing history of violence and pornography addiction. The article highlights shocking facts about the Kolkata rape-and-murder case, including the victim’s tragic condition, the flawed investigation, and the broader systemic issues that persist despite past reforms. The article concludes with a stark message: “It’s not a crime to be a doctor in this country; it’s a crime to hope in this country.”

In the heart of Kolkata, a heinous crime unfolded that shook the nation to its core—the Kolkata rape-and-murder case. A young female doctor, who had dedicated her life to saving others, became the victim of a brutal crime that has left the country questioning its moral compass. This article delves into the details of this tragic event, exposing the systemic failures and societal issues that contributed to this horrific incident.

Kolkata rape-and-murder case

यह लेख आरजी कर मेडिकल कॉलेज की एक महिला डॉक्टर से जुड़े कोलकाता बलात्कार और हत्या मामले का विस्तृत विवरण प्रदान करता है। 36 घंटे तक काम करने के बाद, हिंसा और पोर्नोग्राफी की लत के परेशान करने वाले इतिहास वाले नागरिक स्वयंसेवक संजय रॉय द्वारा डॉक्टर पर बेरहमी से हमला किया गया और उसकी हत्या कर दी गई। लेख में कोलकाता बलात्कार और हत्या मामले के बारे में चौंकाने वाले तथ्यों पर प्रकाश डाला गया है, जिसमें पीड़िता की दुखद स्थिति, त्रुटिपूर्ण जांच और व्यापक प्रणालीगत मुद्दे शामिल हैं जो पिछले सुधारों के बावजूद बने हुए हैं। लेख एक सख्त संदेश के साथ समाप्त होता है: “इस देश में डॉक्टर बनना कोई अपराध नहीं है; इस देश में उम्मीद करना अपराध है।”

कोलकाता के मध्य में, एक जघन्य अपराध सामने आया जिसने पूरे देश को हिलाकर रख दिया – कोलकाता बलात्कार और हत्या का मामला। एक युवा महिला डॉक्टर, जिसने अपना जीवन दूसरों को बचाने के लिए समर्पित कर दिया था, एक क्रूर अपराध का शिकार हो गई जिसने देश की नैतिक नैतिकता पर सवाल खड़े कर दिए हैं। यह लेख इस दुखद घटना के विवरण पर प्रकाश डालता है, प्रणालीगत विफलताओं और सामाजिक मुद्दों को उजागर करता है जिन्होंने इस भयावह घटना में योगदान दिया, यहां तक ​​कि मृत्यु में भी।

Top Points on the Kolkata Rape-and-Murder Case

1. Brutal Assault and Murder: The Kolkata rape-and-murder case took place between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. on a Friday. The accused, Sanjoy Roy, after severely assaulting and sexually abusing the doctor, ended her life by throttling and smothering her. The brutality of the act has shocked the nation.

2. Disturbing Addiction: Sanjoy Roy was reportedly addicted to pornography, with his mobile phone containing a vast collection of violent and disturbing content. This addiction is believed to have played a role in his heinous actions.

3. A History of Misogyny: Sanjoy Roy, a 33-year-old civic volunteer who joined the Kolkata Police in 2019, had a notorious reputation as a “womanizer.” He was married at least four times, each marriage ending due to his abusive behavior.

4. Psychological Concerns: According to a police officer, “The pornography content in his mobile phone was quite disturbing and violent. We wonder about the state of his mind as watching such things is quite unnatural.” This raises serious questions about the mental state of the accused and the potential for such content to influence violent behavior.

5. Pattern of Abuse: The investigation into the Kolkata rape-and-murder case revealed a history of physical abuse towards his wives, further highlighting the accused’s deep-seated misogyny and violent tendencies.

6. Marital History: Neighbors of Sanjoy Roy revealed that his first wife was from Behala, the second from Park Circus, the third from Barrackpore, and the fourth from Alipore. Each marriage ended in failure due to his abusive behavior.

7. Police Connections: A trained boxer, Sanjoy Roy cultivated relationships with senior police officers, which led to his transfer to the Kolkata Police Welfare Board. He was posted at the police outpost at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, where the tragic Kolkata rape-and-murder case took place.

8. Denial and Deflection: Despite overwhelming evidence, Sanjoy Roy’s mother, Malati Roy, continues to claim her son’s innocence, further complicating the pursuit of justice in this already complex case.

Kolkata rape-and-murder case

कोलकाता बलात्कार और हत्या मामले पर शीर्ष बिंदु

1. क्रूर हमला और हत्या: कोलकाता बलात्कार और हत्या का मामला शुक्रवार को सुबह 3 बजे से 5 बजे के बीच हुआ। आरोपी संजय रॉय ने डॉक्टर के साथ गंभीर रूप से मारपीट और यौन शोषण करने के बाद उसका गला दबाकर और मुंह दबाकर उसकी जीवन लीला समाप्त कर दी। इस कृत्य की क्रूरता ने देश को झकझोर कर रख दिया है।

2. परेशान करने वाली लत: संजय रॉय कथित तौर पर पोर्नोग्राफ़ी के आदी थे, उनके मोबाइल फोन में हिंसक और परेशान करने वाली सामग्री का विशाल संग्रह था। माना जाता है कि इस लत ने उसके घृणित कार्यों में भूमिका निभाई है।

3. महिला द्वेष का इतिहास: 33 वर्षीय नागरिक स्वयंसेवक संजय रॉय, जो 2019 में कोलकाता पुलिस में शामिल हुए थे, उनकी “महिलावादी” के रूप में कुख्यात प्रतिष्ठा थी। उन्होंने कम से कम चार बार शादी की थी, प्रत्येक शादी उनके अपमानजनक व्यवहार के कारण समाप्त हो गई।

4. मनोवैज्ञानिक चिंताएँ: एक पुलिस अधिकारी के अनुसार, “उसके मोबाइल फोन में अश्लील सामग्री काफी परेशान करने वाली और हिंसक थी। हमें उसकी मानसिक स्थिति के बारे में आश्चर्य है क्योंकि ऐसी चीजें देखना काफी अप्राकृतिक है।” इससे आरोपी की मानसिक स्थिति और ऐसी सामग्री के हिंसक व्यवहार को प्रभावित करने की क्षमता के बारे में गंभीर सवाल उठते हैं।

5. दुर्व्यवहार का पैटर्न: कोलकाता बलात्कार और हत्या मामले की जांच में उसकी पत्नियों के प्रति शारीरिक शोषण का इतिहास सामने आया, जिससे आरोपी की गहरी पैठ वाली स्त्रीद्वेष और हिंसक प्रवृत्ति उजागर हुई।

6. वैवाहिक इतिहास: संजय रॉय के पड़ोसियों ने खुलासा किया कि उनकी पहली पत्नी बेहाला से, दूसरी पार्क सर्कस से, तीसरी बैरकपुर से और चौथी अलीपुर से थी। उसके अपमानजनक व्यवहार के कारण प्रत्येक विवाह विफलता में समाप्त हो गया।

7. पुलिस कनेक्शन: एक प्रशिक्षित मुक्केबाज, संजय रॉय ने वरिष्ठ पुलिस अधिकारियों के साथ संबंध बनाए, जिसके कारण उनका स्थानांतरण कोलकाता पुलिस कल्याण बोर्ड में हो गया। वह आरजी कर मेडिकल कॉलेज और अस्पताल में पुलिस चौकी पर तैनात थे, जहां दुखद कोलकाता बलात्कार और हत्या का मामला हुआ था।

8. इनकार और विक्षेप: भारी सबूतों के बावजूद, संजय रॉय की मां, मालती रॉय, अपने बेटे की बेगुनाही का दावा करना जारी रखती हैं, जिससे इस पहले से ही जटिल मामले में न्याय की तलाश और भी जटिल हो गई है।

Kolkata rape-and-murder case

The Unforgivable Crime: A Deep Dive into the Kolkata Rape-and-Murder Case

In a country where women are revered as goddesses, the Kolkata rape-and-murder case stands as a grim reminder of how far we have strayed from those ideals. Dr. M, a dedicated medical professional, had just completed a 36-hour shift when she sought some rest in the seminar hall of her college. What should have been a moment of respite turned into her final, horrifying moments.

Her father found her naked, lying motionless on the floor with a broken pelvic girdle, disfigured limbs, and shattered pieces of glass embedded in her eyes, bleeding profusely. The horrors she must have endured are beyond comprehension. To make matters worse, her parents were denied access to her body for three hours after they arrived at the crime scene.

The autopsy revealed a shocking detail—150 grams of semen were found in her body, a disturbing indication that multiple perpetrators were involved. Despite this, only a scapegoat is currently in custody. The college dean disgracefully dismissed the situation, labeling her as psychotic.

Following the transfer of the investigation to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), renovation work mysteriously commenced in the hospital, raising concerns about the destruction of crucial evidence. At this point, the Kolkata rape-and-murder case is not just a medical issue—it is a stark display of inhumanity.

A Systemic Failure: Political Immunity and Social Apathy

The Kolkata rape-and-murder case is not an isolated incident but a symptom of a much deeper problem in India. Crimes like these are often filtered through a political lens, with some states offering virtual immunity to those with the right connections. Bengal, in particular, has a long history of post-election violence and other atrocities being swept under the rug.

The swift appointment of the college principal, RG, to another prestigious position just hours after his resignation, speaks volumes about the state of affairs in Bengal. It is a place where the cries of the innocent are ignored, and the flames of injustice continue to burn unchecked.

Respect Zero, Ego Hero: The Broader Implications

The tragic death of Dr. M is not just a crime against one woman; it is an indictment of our entire society. In India, where patriarchy and misogyny still run deep, women continue to be treated as second-class citizens. Rape is not merely a sexual act but an assertion of power, a way to remind women of their place in a male-dominated world.

Despite the hope and outcry that followed the Nirbhaya case 12 years ago, nothing has fundamentally changed. The Kolkata rape-and-murder case is proof that we continue to uncover deeper levels of cruelty with each passing year, and the foolishness lies in believing that reforms will ever come.

Some voices on social media have claimed that it’s a crime to be a doctor in this country. The truth is far more painful: It’s not a crime to be a doctor in this country; it’s a crime to hope in this country.

Kolkata rape-and-murder case

The Call to Action

This is not just a story to be read and forgotten. The **Kolkata rape-and-murder case** is a call to action for every person who believes in justice, equality, and humanity. We must not let Dr. M’s death be in vain. Share her story, demand accountability, and fight against the systems of power that continue to protect the guilty.

India cannot truly progress until it addresses the deep-rooted issues of gender inequality and violence against women. The time for change is now, and it starts with ensuring that those responsible for Dr. M’s murder are brought to justice.

Let us not allow this tragedy to fade into obscurity. Stand up, speak out, and make sure that Dr. M’s voice is heard, even in death.


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